Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Second Call

Good Day to All;

We would like to collect some information as posted on the previous thread. Hope that all SK Ace could give full co operation to smooth the plan that will be make. We are in hope to get the details so that we could always plan three months in advance from the date of the activity will be taking place. We are now in the phase of planning the Friendly Match 2010 with Xcalibur, STF. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you!

Official Secretary SAST
TFOG Softball Club

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Attention to all Srikandi ACE

Dear Ace Mate;

We are now in phase of collecting information on the team members. The information that needed are ur name, ic, phone no, address, occupation, email address and batch. This information will be used in order to inform you on the current activities and advanced planning. Please drop ur personal info at this emel address:


Thank you for all ur cooperation!

p/s : We will udate our current activities SOON~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bating Cages - Ace Gathering

Attention to all Ace and frens;

Penganjuran ekspedisi ke Bating cages One Utama. Hahahahaha!! Hari membalun bola telah tiba!!!

Tarikh : 16 Oktober 2009
Hari : Jumaat
Masa : 9.00 Mlm (please be punctual)
Lokasi : Bating Cages, OU

Di jemput semua Srikandi Ace dan kawan2 memeriahkan suasaaanaaaa~


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Pembaca yg dikasihi;
Kami ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Semoga Syawal kali ini disambut dgn lebih kemeriahan dan kesederhanaan.
Yg jauh di dekatkan, yg dekat di rapatkan..
Selamat tinggal Ramadhan yg kini tinggal kurang seminggu shj lagi.
Semoga Ramadhan kali ini dpt di akhiri dgn satu lagi kemenangan buat semua umat Islam.
Salam Aidilfitri...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Friendly Match, 27 June 2009

Lame x updet.. sbb admin bz yg amat.. hahaha! sorri.. Well, ade pembace ke yg penting? sbb blog ni blom di war2 kan secara berleluasa g.. Menunggu masa yg seswai.. Byk brite x updet g, jadi x mahu war2 kan lagi.. Jadi, as promise! Cerita pasal Friendly Match on the first day is up now~ hehe!!! Utk memudahkan perjalanan pembacaan; kami tulis dlm bentuk tentatif utk setiap aktiviti.

27 Jun 2009

  • 8.00am - bertolak dari s.a.. 3 kereta dari s.a.. myvi sha2 (me, sha n aimi), waja ahlam (ahlam, kb n cikgu edel) n vios salwa (salwa, linda, lipe n yuhai)

  • 9.00am - jumpe sebijik g kete, i10 yun (yun, fifie, ogy, shell n farie) di hentian seremban. brekfast skali

  • 11.00am - jemput lagik 2 bijik kereta di hentian machap, myvi nuo dan kancil abg wan. semua skali ade 6 bijik kete on move ke jb pagi itu. lunch skali di machap.

  • 1.00pm - smp jb. check in seri M. tukar2 baju, solat etc... bersiap sedia utk frendly. jumpe amin skali.

  • 2.00pm - smp Astaka.. Haha! byk beza dulu dan skarang.. team skola ngah prektis ngan jayanya. meet others yg ikot rombongan (fhaten, sr, pysad, sikin shah n lydia)
  • 3.00pm - start game... yeah! sronok sgt sebab most of yg dtg dah lame x pegang equipment. teruja sgt nak main.. team skola pun bg fight yg agak menarik.. hehe~ Tym ni la nak tgk star2 zmn dulu beraksi blk.. kebanyakkan dari kami mmg skills dah hampeh la... tp gaye still ade.. hahaha! dan pemain impot kebanggaan kami, shasha samin.. u rock!! wpun bukan softballers back at skool tp ur skills definitely beyond us la.. hahaha! proud to have you in the team! juge pade kawan2 penyokong yg sanggop turun dr kl bersama2 kami... fhaten, yun, ogy, shell, sr, lydia, sikin shah n pysad. Coolest ppl on earth!! Sanggop berpanas wpun x men. The spirit is there. Thank u girls!! Love u all so much!! n also THANKS a million to Miss Lim (cikgu PE) yg sanggop turun dgn DSLR n amik gambar2 kami men. U r the best, Cikgu!!
  • 5.30pm - habis men. habis baju kotor sbb msg2 nak tunjuk skill sliding etc. ACE menang tipis dgn kelebihan satu larian. Thanks to cikgu edel yg las2 minet dpt wat strike out!! hahahaha!! bole la pasni jadi pitcher plak ye..

  • 6.00pm - raun kompaun skola.. lepas rindu kat kampung halaman, tempat bermain 5 tahun.. byk juge dah berubah.. contoh, blok Saadong dah hilang! hahahaha! magic kan?? koop kat sebla kantin (bende baru).. ade jugak yg lame (contoh: makcik dobi dan bandroom location, still kat blok a) tengok surau... hehehe.. skang baru miss nak solat jemaah n terawih dgn kawan2.. yeah, dlu kene wat eskep2.. hahaha!

  • 7.00pm - blk hotel. mandi2, solat etc n bersiap utk bbq.

  • 8.00pm - back to skool. location : kantin skola. cikgu2 n softball players tf watkan bbq utk kami. thanks cikgu and adik2!! bbq memang best gile!! otak2 sedap!! heheheheh! (thanks cikgu request otak2 kami di layan, mane lagi nak dpt otak2 kalau bukan kat jb) Sambil2 makan, tyngn video dari game ptg td disiarkan melalui projector.. dpt la tgk game td camne.. haha! canggih dah skola skang, nak wat post mortem game pakai video je, zmn kami dlu2 hny bergantung pada kertas dan pen catitan kawan2 atau cikgu2 yg tgk game. dari situ wat post mortem...

  • 11.00pm - bersedia blk ke hotel. abg wan bg sepatah dua kate (tp agak panjang gak.. haha!) sbg pencetus idea utk program kami ni. pn. zurina pun berucap juge tp pendek je... semua orang dah masuk mood tido.. hehe!

  • 12.00am - kami konvoi 2, 3 kereta pegi Danga Bay right afte majlis n drop ppl yg nak tido kat hotel n pegi jalan2 melihat panorama jb di kala malam.. mengantok gile! tp blasahkan aje sbb nak enjoy! konon nak karokss! tp pysad si orang jb pun xtau kat ne nak karokss.. las2 kitorang buang mase kat macam Night Town derang (i don't know what they called the place) n suping2 barang. nuo bli baju pink (dediket, die xtau seken day kene pakai pink.. haha! blame me!) pysad as usual, sempat membeli barang2 x perlu.. hahaha! kitorang pun xtau die beli ape, tau2 ade beg plastik.. ko memang pantas bab2 beli brg ni pusat.. n pysad siap request nak naik basikal cam beca tuh.. hahahaha! pysad2... u rili make our day! (night... kot)

  • 2.00 am - blk n tido. As for me (admin)... habiskan mase catch up cerita ngan fhaten di koridor bilik hotel smbl menghirup udara sepoi2 bhs. (haha! nih bende biase kitorang wat bile jumpe.. yea~ rili miss to stay up late at night n berborak2 ngan kawan2) blk bilik at 3.30am n sambung g borak smp terlelap.. haha!

itu la perkara2 yg kami buat on the first day.. lot's of fun bile dpt jumpe smule n same2 buat bende2 yg used to be done. rindu pd padang, bola n kawan2 terubat juga akhirnye.. hehe! enjoy pic2 yg di ambil pd hari pertama game. most of the pic dari camera Kb.. credits for her brilliant work!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Luck, KENDO Princess

Dear readers;

Aimi Sabri, one of our Srikandi ACE is in Sao Paolo, Brazil rite now to compete for 14th World KENDO Championships. This is the second attempt for Aimi in this championship. On behalf of the team, we would like to wish you all the best!! May 2009 brings the luck to you~

We proud of you!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Terima Kasih, Cikgu!

Cikgu2 ni lah yg byk tolong kami dlm menjayakan Friendly Match antara Srikandi ACE dgn STF X-Calibur..

En. Azman

Coach X-Calibur

tq, cikgu!!

cik mas - cikgu softball

bsama dgn cikgu khir

thanks cikgu!

Pn. Zurina - backbone of this program

aka cikgu softball zmn ACE (mostly)

SPECIAL tq, cikgu!!

could not done it w/o you

en.samsul dan pn.aniza - cikgu softball stf in the 90's

(zmn sy gak 9899 - admin)

kaple husben n wife yg kool~

tq cikgu, love both of u!!

en.khir - cikgu softball stf (current)

thanks a lot cikgu! u rock!

Terima kasih, Cikgu!!
(dah lama x ucap mcm ni afte habis skola, hahahaha!)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Preparation for the Friendly Match

The friendly match between STF X-Calibur (home) and Srikandi ACE (visit) on 27th and 28th of June 2009 had been an experienced of a lifetime to the club members who had the oppurtunity to play in Astaka years after leaving the school compound. Although many of us had stop playing after finishing our high school, but still... the spirit is there!! (just the skills had been rusty, we had to admit it.. haha!) but nevermind of the skills, we still have time to polish it after this, rite?

So, start off with our preparation on this event..

The idea came from our ex-coach, Abg Wan. His original idea was actually to gather all of the ex-softballers of TF and went for a dinner (or sumting like that) together with our ex-school teachers... But, we had came out with even GREATER ideas!! Why not we just pay a visit back to the school and set a friendly match with the school team? So, there goes the plan!!

Abg Wan (blue tshirt w/o cap)

So, our chairwoman.. Miss Ahlam Othman started to build a team (admin, aimi and cikgu adle) to handle this program. First thing on list... contact Pn.Zurina and inform her bout our 'hajat'.. haha! and many thanks to her... this program had been a huge SUCCESS!! Next, our team was assigned to find the ppl that would be interested to join.... There goes the hunt!!! after going thru all the difficulty and etc.. at last, we managed to find 21 people to follow our program. Thanks to non ex-softballers who were there to support us with this program! Thank you girls!!

Srikandi ACE with the supporters

Looking for souvenir took a toll on us since we do not know what to give to the school especially to those teachers who had done all the preparation for this program. After much considerations (and suggestion from Pn.Zu) we decided to gift out tshirt as a complimentary gift to them. As for the school, we made a plaque. To our sisters back in school, a hamper.. which we know won't be enuff for all of them! Hahaha! (we try to increase our budget on next visit, girls..)

Tshirts and plaque

We could say that all the preparation went very well with an overwhelmed cooperation from all the participants. They had given their 200% commitment thru out the program!! On behalf of the organizer, i wud like to convey our gratitudes to all Perintis Srikandi ACE and our lovely ACE supporters!!

Next post... The Friendly Match, 27th June 2009

A Welcome Note

Dear readers,

This is our very first attempt on building a blog, (could say in person, i am the one who is clueless about blogging stuff - the admin) so it might not be as nice as other blogs that had been published for years but we are learning right now.. hehe!
So, back to the business.. the reasons of setting up this blog :
  • A place for all exsoftballers of TF to gather for chitchatting, discussions, and etc about softball (other business also... haha! had been a long time since we last see each other!!)
  • Sharing informations on the new techniques that can be applied to those who still played the game (many of us had retiree.. haha! but still love picking up the ball if had the chance to play!!!)
  • Update on our club current activities.
  • Dedicated to our sisters back in school, to enhanced their skills and performance in playing softball.
  • Also dedicated to all the people out there who shares the same passion as we do!!

Enjoy your visit to the blog! Thank you..